Wednesday, February 18, 2015

This may be a tough  pill for many of us to swallow, but what I am about to tell you does not surprise me about the state of our city and the politics that is being played. While many of us are playing checkers, the powers that be are playing chess in this election season.

The Police Academy, Harold Washington Library, and Water Managment all have liens against them. It does not surprise me. Rham met with the people who handled Detroit Bankruptcy a month ago, the city is broke and in debt, we are bareley paying our bills.

If you do not believe me, go to
and type in the following Property Identification Numbers for (Bea aware that these properties have multiple PINS so I am only giving one of them ) :

Harold Washington: 17-16-247-060-0000

Police Academy: 17-17-112-010-0000

Water Management Central-20-05-100-003-0000

The LIEN is through Rham's Chicago Infrastructure Trust and held by a corporation called Banc of America Corporation (Not the Bank of America we think of)

When you search these PINS you will notice that a financing statement was filed. Those who know about financing understands what it finance statement means in terms of debt.

Now my question is, why has Rham Emmanuel not told us about these Liens that are on very important Chicago properties? I don't understand or do I?????

The city is broke and new bankruptcy bills are being introduced in Springfield to have municipality file. Let us all start putting it together.

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